• Q. Tell us about yourself and how you came to be an artist…

  • A. I'm French, based in Barcelona for more than 10 years. I started to paint when I started to feel trapped in a cubicle, staring at a computer screen all day. I was really bored at work. I wasn't using my creativity or my imagination. I wanted to do something more fulfilling, then I remembered that I really loved to paint when I was younger. So I took back my brushes.

  • Q. What is your creative process ?

  • A. I am a highly sensitive person. I process emotions deeply so I easily get overwhelmed.

  • Q. Your main character trait?

  • A. I get inspiration from every where, I like to stare at people, and find beauty in everyday life. I take plenty of notes, drawings, pictures and screenshots. All elements I use to compose my paintings. I also take photos of myself if I need a reference for a specific posture. I paint numerous layers of colors, I like to play with transparency of the colors. I usually paint a few artworks at a time. The hardest part for me is to finalize, lots of my artworks will never show up as they stay halfway done.

  • Q. Describe your work in three words...

  • A. Bold, sensual and intimate.

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    • Q. Your favorite color?

    • A. I like the shades between blue and green, turquoise, duck blue, aquamarine.

    • Q. Who are the contemporary art figures who influenced you the most?

    • A. Alice Neel, Shona Mc Andrew, David Hockney, Paul Gauguin. And I have always been fascinated by the Dada movement. 

    • A. Everything and nothing!

    • Q. What do you enjoy the most about your friends ?

    • A. Sharing a good meal and a good laugh.

    • Q. There seem to be an energy of movement in your paintings. Do you somehow focus on the movement emanating from a body or form ?

    • A. Women I paint are in movement, I like to think that my paintings are like polaroids capturing an intimate moment. They are not posing, they don't care about who is looking at them.

    • Q. If you could have diner with anyone dead or alive?

    • A. Serge Gainsbourg and Virginie Despentes.

    • Q. Your dream of happiness ?

    • A. I dream of having my atelier in a big ancient house near the mediterranean sea.

    • Q. What makes you excited about the future ?

    • A. Showing my work around.